Sublime Forum

Access macros from Command Palette


We can see a list of snippets when we type “snippet” or snippet name in command palette:


It would be nice to see the list of all our macros when we type “macro” or macro’s name in command palette and get the list of all macros, like for the list of snippets. In that way we do not have to associate macros to commands (do not have to bind macro to a key, we can just search for it in command palette)



Would a plugin implementation suffice for something like that? I do a similar thing in my EnhancedSnippets package to make snippet files that Sublime doesn’t recognize appear in the command palette. Should also be possible to make it do that for macros as well.

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Yes that would be great xD



Incidentally I started working on a package to do this, but I will be unable to work on it for the month of December due to other things going on and lack of free time.

I should however be able to return to it in January at the latest.

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Thanks xD. That is generally great. Anytime when you have time xD



Sorry for the delay, but after a month of nonstop code streaming I took some time off to decompress.

An initial version of a package that does this can be found at:

This is not “officially” released, but there are instructions on how to get PackageControl to install it at: