Sublime Forum

3200 frequently crashing


Hello, I’m also experiencing this issue (version 3206, and past two updates - OSX). I am unsure what is going on. But after 5 minutes or so, SublimeText3 freezes consistently. I can’t do anything with it, and need to Command+Q it then re-open it. I have gone so far as to completely uninstall it (deleting files in Application Support folder) and running it clean (no added packages). But, even after that, it continues to freeze on me. occasionally I do see an empty white box on screen.



Hey skittlyoaten,

Your situation doesn’t seem related. Yours almost seems like an issue with your graphics card switching from integrated to discrete, assuming you’re on a Macbook.

I just tried force switching mine using to see if it would reproduce your issue, but it didn’t.



There have been a whole bunch of crashes with macOS 10.14.4 and NSOpenGLView. We’ve mitigated some of them, but there are still plenty happening.

If you could try changing the setting gpu_window_buffer to false in your Preferences, that can help ensure it isn’t this bug in macOS that is leading to the crashes.



Thanks guys. I believe you are correct, I turned Automatic Graphics Switching off, and it seems to be stable. Messing with gfxCardStatus a few times will make it freeze.



Sublime 3206 still crashing after removal of TypeScript.

One thing I’ve noticed is that it tends to crash often when clicking on a file in folder tree. SideBarEnhancements package? I’ll try removing it now.



Have you tried setting gpu_window_buffer to false? There have been all sorts of crashes and memory leaks reported with 10.14.4, and almost every one has been solved by changing that setting.


Build 3207 Mojave keeps "going missing"

I haven’t yet. I’ll try that next, although I am still on 10.14.3.



I hope I’m not speaking too soon, but SideBarEnhancements package seems to have been the culprit for me.

Yup, I spoke too soon. Just crashed. Will try the gpu_window_buffer now.



Hey Clark,

I’m on Windows and experienced the same thing. Do you have JsPrettier installed? I found this to be the culprit in my case.



I don’t have JsPrettier installed.



Still crashing after configuring gpu_window_buffer to false.



I’ve had the crash happening with no plugins installed (completely reset Sublime). Have bounced back to 3.1 because 3.2 was unusable and too frustrating! I trued the gpu_window_buffer and it didn’t seem to make a difference to me either. Nothing in logs etc.



Hey Andrew,

This seems to be my experience as well.

I decided to just rename my Packages folder to test ST at a default state and after 2 days of running it just crashed. I think that’s about all the troubleshooting time I can spend on it. Gonna roll back to 3100.

Sorry I couldn’t be of more help, @wbond . If there’s anything else you can think of, please lemme know and I’ll give it a shot.



I think you mean 3.1 (3176)?

Finding a way to reproduce it and/or events that trigger the crash will be the way to get it sorted. That said, I understand why you don’t have time to do that now.



Yeah, I should’ve just said 31xx.

This last time it crashed I wasn’t interacting with it. I went to Sublime Text menu > preferences > Browse Packages. Was in finder looking at the folders when Sublime crashed.

Most of the other times, as I mentioned previously above, it would crash when I click on a file in the folder tree.

The clicking on a file event that would cause a crash would only happen after a significant period of run time. Anywhere from half a day to 2 days.



@andrewyager Just wondering if you have osxfuse installed and are opening mounts in ST. Thanks.



No; have been only working off local storage on git repo’s.




Yesterday I rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3, trashed the app in Applications folder, downloaded and installed completely fresh with not a single package, not even package control. I left it running up until right now when it just crashed as soon as I clicked on a file in the folder tree.

I think it’s safe to say at this point that this issue has nothing to do with any package.

Is there any way you could provide me a build that outputs a debug log?



You should be able to run it under lldb and see a backtrace.

Have you tried running 3176 for a week to see if you get any crashes? So far it sounds like you are crashing under all different circumstances, right?




3176 was fine for me for the longest time. It wasn’t until I updated to 3200 that this started happening. Upon your suggestion I tried updating to 3206. Happened with that one. Updated to 3207 and also happened with that one. 3207 was the completely clean install.

Just to validate that I’m not totally crazy here, I’m gonna put 3176 back on this computer and run it for a few days.

After that I’ll try setting up 32xx with lldb.

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