Hello all , I’m new here
just looking through but can’t find if it’s possible to keep the line of two files at the same scroll position…
like a source code file and notes document side by side in 2 column layout
when I scroll one column, the other scrolls with it so the line numbers always match
file(A):code file(B):notes
│.┌────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐│
│1│<?php │ 1│ ││
│2│ │ 2│ ││
│.│ │ .│ ││
│.│ │ .│ ││
│.│ │ .│ ││
│.│ -->│ .│<--position ││
│7│/** │ 7│ - - - - [note] ││
I scroll left view down...
│.│ │ 1┌────────────────────┐│
│.│ -->│ 2│ ││
│7│/** │ .│ ││
│.│ * │ .│ ││
│.│ */ │ .│ ││
│.│ │ .│<--position ││
│.└────────────────────┘ 7│ - - - - [note] ││
auto scroll right view...
│.│ │ .│ ││
│.│ -->│ .│<--position ││
│7│/** │ 7│ - - - - - [note] ││
│.│ * │ .│ ││
│.│ */ │ .│ ││
│.│ │ .│ ││
│.└────────────────────┘ .└────────────────────┘│
I’m not sure if i’ve lost half my brain but i really want to try this out and i’m a little overwhelmed with plugin dev. at the moment