Sublime Forum

Highlight Background Color of Matching Bracket


I saw a forum here on my question
It ended off saying that you currently can’t highlight the background color of the matching bracket, but you can change the color of the matching bracket.

That was talking about Dev Build 2114. My question is, right now, is there a way to change the background color of a matching bracket in the most recent build: Build 3114?

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This is possible with a plugin, i.e.



Is there any other way?
I cannot get BracketHighlighter working :((

So, I’ve reverted match_.. settings in Default Preferences to true. Back to Square 1.

That tiny thin dotted line, for tags, and especially skinny bracket/brace/parens, is just toooooo difficult to see.
They are barely visible.
In JSX (especially when converting from a deeply nested HTML mock), finding “highlights” for these matches is as a needle in a haystack .

Any method of achieving More Prominent Match Highlighting is Sorely Needed !!!

Any “quick fixes” are welcome.



@sheryl, have you tried to open an issue on BracketHighlighter to get some help? I am fairly repsonsive.

BracketHighlighter may require a restart of Sublime after installation to get working.

If you are hoping for JSX tag name highlighting via BracketHighlighter, that doesn’t exist currently. I’m not a web programmer, and though I’ve had many requests to add support for tag highlighting in JSX, none of the requesters have yet wanted to volunteer time to bring me up to speed on JSX format in regards to tags. Due to the fact that it acts more as a template language in regards to HTML tags, the dynamic nature may be too difficult to do in the traditional way that HTML tag highlighting is performed in BracketHighlighter, but I don’t know as everyone has bailed as soon as I start asking questions.

So while BracketHighlighter does not provide JSX tag highlighting, it does provide highlighting for a number of other brackets and bracket like objects.