i made zoom out/in plugin which actually increase/decrease the current font size.
if you want just make a new file named: Zoom.py under %appdata%\Sublime Text\Packages\User, which contains:
[code]import sublime, sublimeplugin
class ZoomInCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view, args):
current_font = view.options().get(‘font’)
(font, sep, size) = current_font.rpartition(" ")
new_size = int(size) + 1
new_font = font + " " + str(new_size)
view.options().set(‘font’, new_font)
print "set new font to: " + new_font
def isEnabled(self, view, args):
return True
class ZoomOutCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view, args):
current_font = view.options().get(‘font’)
(font, sep, size) = current_font.rpartition(" ")
new_size = int(size) - 1
new_font = font + " " + str(new_size)
view.options().set(‘font’, new_font)
print "set new font to: " + new_font
def isEnabled(self, view, args):
return True[/code]
also add key binding on Default.sublime-keymap under %appdata%\Sublime Text\Packages\User
<binding key="ctrl+equals" command="zoomIn"/>
<binding key="ctrl+minus" command="zoomOut"/>
after that pressing control and plus or minus next to the backspace will do the trick(not the keypad )