[quote=“haggen”]Clean installation of Windows 7, Sublime 1.2.2 download and installed normally, I got the ZenCoding zip, extracted it, double-clicked it, got that package-installation-full-of-win message, ran Sublime and… nothing works at all. 
I mean, CTRL+ALT+ENTER, or F1, nothing happens, just the normal every-day sublime editor.
I want zen coding…
There are some better examples/documentation you can copy from here: I’ve hotlinked the animations that explain it here too.
code.google.com/p/zen-coding/wik … enCodingEn
F1 will only work for CSS files.
Only works for HTML files (for me anyway).
**Make sure you are setting the DOCUMENT TYPE properly. Otherwise it will NOT work no matter what you do. **
- In the very bottom right hand corner of the editor window. Where it says “Plain text | Windows” , change plain text to HTML. For CSS, change it to CSS).
- Or you can just make a new file called “blah.html” with nothing in there, then type html:4t then hit TAB.
- This will work the same with .CSS files too.
- There’s a list of all the shortcuts and what they expand to on the google code site.
Don’t worry, you’re not the only confused person around here
The documentation is a mess, but once you get your head around it, you’ll be sweet.
Hope this helps.
HTML - note the HTML in the bottom right hand corner.
CSS - note the CSS in bottom right.