Sublime Forum

Window on background when opening Sublime Text 3


Hi, I am having problems with Sublime Text 3 on Mac OS Sierra.

When I am trying to open it, it opens well but in the background. In order to make it pop up as the main window, I need to click the icon twice.

Is that a reported bug?



Anyone with the same problem?

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Hey, Alex!

I wonder if you got the issue. I fell here too & here what I learned about the issue tonight:

  1. App launches on background due to different reasons. I assume it’s the trouble behind holding Alt key on first launch.
  2. Depending on the system & local software installed runtime might respond weirdly.

For example since I use AutoHotKey heavily to remap keys, automate tasks, build GUI tools. I noticed using a dual hotkey with LAlt as a modifier launches Sublime on background, even though I’m sure to have no flags on shortcuts. Much testing brought me to many aspects, for example making your shortcut open window maximized solves, KeyWaiting for LAlt to be released works with AHK, but the deeper I get there, the harder it seems for me to figure out what’s happening to the system. Lemme know something about your environment — I’m sure to have a solution worth a try!