Sublime Forum

Window not appearing on start


I’m using build 2049 on Mac OS X Mojave, but this was also a problem with the prior build.

When Sublime Merge starts, it does two things that are strange:

  1. its menu appears on both of my monitors (no, my monitors are not mirrored)
  2. the Window menu shows there is 1 window and it’s checked in the list but no window appears anywhere on either monitor (all I have is two menus)

Re-selecting the #1 window from the Window menu does nothing. The only way I’ve found to work around this is to request a new window (cmd+n), which then shows windows #1 plus a new tab/window ready for window #2 and then immediately close the latter, at which point I can use the real #1 window.



Did you perhaps move the window to another desktop/workspace? In recent updates windows are restored to the workspace they were on.



Interesting idea but no, I don’t ever recall using this app in any Mac Space. Certainly not deliberately, anyway.

This has happened to me twice and both times it was with the first execution of a downloaded update to Sublime Merge. Once I fix it by cmd+n and closing window #2, it never occurs again (well, until the next time I upgrade Sublime Merge, it seems).



Based off of that, it’s potentially related to the auto-shown changelog window. I’d be curious what is shown if you enter into Show Application Windows (or even Mission Control itself) when you see this behavior. Also try Cmd+tilde, the changelog may be behind the first window (and stealing focus somehow)

I usually only work with a single monitor, but I think each screen gets its own space on macOS, so spaces could be a partial cause.



Sounds compelling. Wonder if I download the previous binary and then run it, allow it to upgrade, I will be able to repro the problem. I don’t immediately see options to download previous versions but will look around.



All the old URLs are still valid, you can manually change the version number in the URL to download whichever version you want.

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OK I downloaded, unzipped, and ran it natively from the Downloads folder. The app started up without the changelog dialog, without a visible repo window, but with two menus (one per monitor). I don’t currently have any Spaces so can’t switch to a different Space (hence the missing window is not in a different Space). Neither cmd+` nor cmd+~ do do anything of consequence (no visible change).

When I explicitly request the changelog via the menus, the 2nd menu disappears from the 2nd monitor and now I am left with one menu. The repo window still does not appear.

If I use Show All Windows from the docked Sublime Merge app icon (or cmd+down-arrow) then the repo window does appear. So, I have no (additional) spaces but Sublime Merge does have a repo window. I just can’t make the window visible on any desktop, unless I go through the aforementioned new window process.

None of the following do anything useful in this scenario: Window > Zoom, Window > Bring All to Front, Window > Arrange in Front, or Window > the-only-listed-repo-window.

Mission Control shows the window on Desktop 2 (along with 2 other windows from other apps) but when exiting Mission Control, only the two non-Sublime Merge windows remain on desktop 2. The Sublime Merge window appears to travel to a location bottom-left of desktop 2, which is where desktop 1 is but the window is not visible on either desktop.

Maybe this is just a Mac thing and I don’t understand how windows behave.



Can confirm I’m running into the same thing. In order to see the window I have to select “Zoom” from the “Window” menu.

This issue only manifests if I have secondary mission control spaces and it’s really inconsistent. Maybe 1 in 4 times of launching sublime the window will show.

If I have no extra spaces, then the window shows up on launch every time, no issue.


No windows visible at launch - MacOS

It also appears to be a weird combo of which active monitor I’m launching sublime on.

If I’m active on my primary monitor and I launch sublime, then the window usually doesn’t appear. If I’m active on the second monitor, then the window appears every time.

This happens regardless if I have any spaces or not.

I launch sublime from butler, but same thing happens if I launch from spotlight.

I just ran into this issue because I just upgraded to 4.



Same, encountered on upgrading to 4 with mac. Ty for the zoom tip, saving me some sanity with at least a workaround.



We’ve got a fix for this in the works. Until that’s deployed you can disable the "remember_workspace" setting as a workaround.