No it didn’t. I actually debugged it a bit, and the problem seems to be on the DDE connection to Sumatra’s service… I “fixed” it by simply using the command line rather than DDE to forward search. I changed the code in jumptoPDF.py as follow, from line 84 :
elif plat == 'win32':
# determine if Sumatra is running, launch it if not
print("Windows, Calling Sumatra")
# hide console
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
tasks = subprocess.Popen("tasklist"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
# Popen returns a byte stream, i.e. a single line. So test simply:
if "SumatraPDF.exe" not in str(tasks):
print("Sumatra not running, launch it")
time.sleep(0.5) # wait 1/2 seconds so Sumatra comes up
setfocus = 0 if keep_focus else 1
if forward_sync:
# Use the command line facility rather than DDE to forward search
subprocess.Popen("SumatraPDF.exe -reuse-instance -forward-search %s %d %s" % (srcfile,line,pdffile))
This is probably not ideal, that being said DDE is an old facility. It is also probably related to Python 3 rather than Sublime… I’ll use this method for now and I’ll go back to more tests later if I have more time