Sublime Forum

Undesired tokens when using send code + terminus + julia repl


Hi all,

I have three PCs where it is installed ST3. The three of them have the same ST3 configuration.

I have the following standard configurations for Terminus and SendCode:

Preferences/Package Settings/SendCode/Settings:

“prog”: “terminus”,
“julia” : {
“prog”: “terminus”,
“bracketed_paste_mode”: true

Packages\SendCode\support\Julia - Source File.sublime-build:

“target”: “send_code_build”,
“cmd”: “include(”${file_name}")",
“selector”: “source.julia”

In one of the PCs the following error is thrown:

julia> 200~include(“femlia_test001_linelast_line1d_multistory_building.jl”)201~
ERROR: syntax: extra token “201” after end of expression
[1] top-level scope at none:0

I’ve tried many things including installing the portable version, but the same problem arises in the same machine, i.e., the 200 and 201 appear with the include command and this is causing the error. It should only appear


Any idea on how to resolve this issue? I could just write include(“femlia_test001_linelast_line1d_multistory_building.jl”) directly in the repl, but I want this to be automatic. Thank you!



Try setting bracketed_paste_mode to false

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Thank you! That fixed the issue.