Sublime Forum

Ubuntu 16.04 ST3 Right click and mouse scroll working


I’ve been running ST3 on Ubuntu 16.04 and it has been working fine but randomly today the right click and mouse wheel scrolling completely stopped working. Restarting ST3 fixed the issue once but it came back shortly. I tried reverting ST3 back to a default install state but that did not solve the issue either. I put sublime.log_commands(True) in the console and when I right click, I don’t get anything returned. Right click works on the side bar but not in the editor. Oddly enough, the mouse scroll wheel can scroll when I hold left click. Any tips? This has been really frustrating to deal with.

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This is exactly my problem. so I have nothing to add but a +1



I was going to suggest trying sublime.log_input(True) and seeing if it detects the right click and scroll wheel, but it seems it is only for keyboard events :frowning:




Same problem. I can’t scroll in ST but can in every other application. I have tested multiple mice. This is only within the past few months on Ubuntu 16.04 on the latest build. I have tried a few setting additions but not success.



Just got it working!!! Hopefully this helps others.

Go to Preferences
Click on Browse Packages
Go into the “User” folder
Open “Default (Linux).sublime-mousemap”
Copy the below lines into the file, save, and restart your computer (or log off and back on).

{ “button”: “scroll_down”, “modifiers”: [“ctrl”], “command”: “scroll_lines”, “args”: {“amount”: -20.0 }, “press_command”: “” },
{ “button”: “scroll_up”, “modifiers”: [“ctrl”], “command”: “scroll_lines”, “args”: {“amount”: 20.0 }, “press_command”: “” }

Note, you can change the # of lines that are scrolled and should be able to change the control command to zoom in and out but haven’t been able to figure it out yet.