I decided to go ahead and post my mod of ajpalkovic’s plugin here (didn’t want to fork his entire personal plugin folder).
Currently, the plugin highlights the words if your cursor is inside, so I added a setting which also requires you to select the whole word before it begins highlighting. This is False by default.
Added a setting to use outline highlighting instead of solid highlighting to mimic WordHighlight’s style. Default is False.
It does seem you have to restart ST2 when you change the highlight style. I think it is because of how the plugin runs.
- There was one insignificant bug that would spew some errors in the console when a file was first loaded because the “word_separators” settings was not yet available, so I just provided a default value for this case so not to spew errors on this.
[code]import sublime
import sublime_plugin
KEY = “HighlightCurrentWord”
STYLE = “solid”
SCOPE = ‘comment’
The search is performed half a second after the most recent event in order to prevent the search hapenning on every keypress.
Each of the event handlers simply marks the time of the most recent event and a timer periodically executes doSearch
class HighlightCurrentWord(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def init(self):
self.previousRegion = sublime.Region(0, 0)
sublime.set_timeout(self.on_timer, 50)
def on_timer(self):
sublime.set_timeout(self.on_timer, 50)
window = sublime.active_window()
view = window.active_view() if window != None else None
self.doSearch(view, False)
def doSearch(self, view, force=True):
if view == None:
selections = view.sel()
if len(selections) == 0:
visibleRegion = view.visible_region()
if force or (self.previousRegion != visibleRegion):
self.previousRegion = visibleRegion
# The default separator does not include whitespace, so I add that here no matter what
separatorString = view.settings().get('word_separators', u"") + u" \n\r\t"
themeSelector = view.settings().get('highlight_word_theme_selector', SCOPE)
currentRegion = view.word(selections[0])
# See if a word is selected or if you are just in a word
if view.settings().get('highlight_word_require_word_select', False) and currentRegion.size() != selections[0].size():
# remove leading/trailing separator characters just in case
currentWord = view.substr(currentRegion).strip(separatorString)
#print u"|%s|" % currentWord
if len(currentWord) == 0:
size = view.size() - 1
searchStart = max(0, self.previousRegion.a - len(currentWord))
searchEnd = min(size, self.previousRegion.b + len(currentWord))
# Reduce m*n search to just n by mapping each word separator character into a dictionary
separators = {}
for c in separatorString:
separators[c] = True
# ignore the selection if it spans multiple words
for c in currentWord:
if c in separators:
# If we are multi-selecting and all the words are the same, then we should still highlight
if len(selections) > 1:
for region in selections:
word = view.substr(region).strip(separatorString)
if word != currentWord:
validRegions = ]
while True:
foundRegion = view.find(currentWord, searchStart, sublime.LITERAL)
if foundRegion == None:
# regions can have reversed start/ends so normalize them
start = max(0, min(foundRegion.a, foundRegion.b))
end = min(size, max(foundRegion.a, foundRegion.b))
if searchStart == end:
searchStart += 1
searchStart = end
if foundRegion.empty() or foundRegion.intersects(currentRegion):
# check if the character before and after the region is a separator character
# if it is not, then the region is part of a larger word and shouldn't match
# this can't be done in a regex because we would be unable to use the word_separators setting string
if start == 0 or view.substr(sublime.Region(start - 1, start)) in separators:
if end == size or view.substr(sublime.Region(end, end + 1)) in separators:
if searchStart > searchEnd:
# Pick highlight style "outline" or the default "solid"
style = sublime.DRAW_OUTLINED if view.settings().get('highlight_word_outline_style', False) == True else 0
def on_selection_modified(self, view):
**Edit: ** I have recently removed the “on_activated” and “on_close” events I don’t think they are really needed.