Sublime Forum

SublimeLinter - Styiling individual errors possible?


I love how PyCharm pales out unused imports or variables.
In difference SublimeLinter just highlights those unused pieces of code, yet not changing its color.

I really like to adopt this behavior from PyCharm. But I do not how.

Actually, I assume it is not possible to:

  1. Use a different marking style than those given in the SublimeLinter settings, also affecting text color.
  2. Specify individual marking styles for certain warning/error codes.

Can you confirm this is not possible?

  • Ben


SublimeLinter is not designed to have any other report type than warning and error, unfortunately. You can hack a lot of stuff together by interpreting the external linter’s output before handing it over to SublimeLinter internals, but I’m afraid for this particular feature you’d have to rewrite a lot of those and it might be easier to develop a separate plugin that just highlights unused imports.



@FichteFoll Thanks for your feedback!
I am indeed tempted to develop such plugin.

Can take a couple of months though.


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