Sublime Forum

Sublime Text 4 - Coming Soon


Thanks for the ongoing development. I upgraded a few hours ago. I can see some useful features being added. Sublime seems more intelligent now. However, it’s also extremely CPU hungry and slow. So much in fact, that I’d like to downgrade. I’m running OSX 10.13 on a 2012 Mac book. Sublime always was a zappy experience. I just don’t understand why it now has to hog the CPU. Is this a bug?



Almost all syntaxes have been improved. That means that the background indexer will re-index all your projects. Give it some time and the CPU usage will drop to zero after a while.



Thanks for your answer. CPU usage seems to be 0% to be ok when it’s idle, so the background indexer must already have done its job…

But when scrolling it uses up 70-100% CPU. The scrolling frame rate is low, compared to (near) 60 fps in version 3. All actions like search and replace have a noticeable lag…



After updating sublime, all my snippets don’t work. I even tried adding new ones, but they don’t work either. Is that a bug?

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I suggest you go to their github repo, search if someone else has the same issue. If no similar issue is found, then post it there.



ST4 has some significant changes to how rendering is done. Can you check whether OpenGL context information is printed in the console one startup?



Sorry if this has already been covered, but if we were running the ‘dev’ build of ST4, does the upgrade convert it to the ‘stable’ channel? Hoping the answer is yes …


  1. Would have loved if you people worked on vim part as well. Vintage mode is good, but many people want to experience all the features.
  2. add it to snap store please.


dev and stable channel builds don’t update to each other, so if you’re running 4106 you won’t get offered an update to 4107, which is the stable version of build 4106 (that is, it’s identical except that the About dialog says Stable instead of Dev and the number is different.

If you’d like to switch to the stable channel, you need to install a stable build. You should be able to do that directly over top of the existing dev build, unless you’re on Linux and using one of the package repositories, in which case you need to switch which repository you’re using.



OpenGL Context Information:
GL API Version: 4.1 APPLE-16.4.2
GLSL Version: 4.10
Vendor: Apple Inc.
Renderer: Apple Software Renderer
startup time: 0.826329

The “Software Renderer” part scares me… Is there a way to change this?



the update is great, thanks!



I found no way to improve the performance regression. Downgraded to ST3, and keeping it that way… Double the CPU at half (or less) the frame rate doesn’t make sense to me. Perhaps it works well on modern hardware or OS, but I don’t care. It’s a text editor, not a video editor.

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That’s most certainly the problem. Does your device support OpenGL 4.1: ?



Hello. Sorry my bad English.

In ST3 I make python-script that I use as build-system. I configured Packages/User/Default (Windows).sublime-keymap:

 { "keys": ["ctrl+f5"],
		"command": "build",
		{"build_system": "Packages/User/QSP.sublime-build"}
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+q"],
		"command": "build",
		{"build_system": "Packages/User/QSP.sublime-build",
	{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+s"],
		"command": "build",
		{"build_system": "Packages/User/QSP.sublime-build",

I configured Packages/User/myLang.sublime-build:

    	"C:\\Program Files\\Python39\\python.exe", 
    "selector": "source.QSP",
		    	"C:\\Program Files\\Python39\\python.exe", 
		    	"C:\\Program Files\\Python39\\python.exe", 

It’s work in ST3. If I pres Ctrl+F5, first variant is started, and other variants is worked. But in ST4 I get message “No build System”.with Ctrl+F5. Other variants is worked still. Why is this happening?

P.S: Yes, I fix it by appointed the name for first variant.



Are you even aware of the scrolling problem everyone is talking about in y “new” version?



Hey Ridha,
Actually i got a problem with my sublime text.
Here it is,

Am pretty new to the forum and i am not so sure how to use it, Please help



oh, okay it works now, thanks!