Sublime Forum

Sublime Text 3 vs the Others


If you are on Linux you can just mount the ftp site into your filesystem (never tried it myself, but it should work:



Thanks for all the great info. Can you recommend any good tiling window managers for MacOS? I am just looking for something to manage a few panels for Sublime, Terminal, Browser, etc.



Yes, I am on Linux.
I did try that, still easier to do FTP, it was slowing my PC to point of being unusable.
Hint: read caution part on that link, related to comment above from @MWrathDev , security-wise same thing as FTP.
And again, in 95% of times, you get FTP access, not even SFTP.
So work with what you have.



This look very nice



ended up getting Divvy as it seems to be the most popular.



Nice one, personally i think that keeping the elements of the dev workflow encapsulated yet interconnected and accessible is the best way to go because it means you can tweak / swap out bits at any time should they start to cause trouble (think composition over inheritance), even though it does require a bit more effort getting setup initially.

I cant really comment with regards to your manager choice because im not a mac user, but the 2 general tips i offer are:

  1. It should have keyboard shortcuts to allow you to switch focus to exactly the window you want.

  2. If you have limited screen real estate (laptop) also consider seamless integration with workspaces (i think they’re called ‘spaces’ for mac) i.e. when you switch to a specific window in your tiling manager if it’s on a different workspace it should also switch to the relevant one.

Also since you’ve gone the tiling manager route (applause), if you haven’t already i recommend customizing your terminal. Personally i’d go with oh-my-zsh + the agnoster theme (or some derivation):



@MWrathDev Use this instead of SublimeCodeIntel, it’s just like SublimeCodeIntel but it actually works.




Meh doesn’t really matter either way for me :slight_smile: i don’t really use ‘code completion’ i was just listing the popular ones off for @bgarrant to point out their existance.

My setup consists primarily of:

All autocomplete is the exception regarding predictive text, and there are 2 consequences of only using this, it:

  1. Makes you think / understand more about what you’re writing.

  2. Keeps things nice and speedy, because you’re only parsing your open files instead of a whole language definition, which seems trivial for something like css but suppose you had .net class/methods instead or a node_modules directory #cringe.

Though it does seem a bit odd to me that you say SublimeCodeIntel “doesnt work”…

I’ve used it in the past and it’s worked fine for me, it’s an order of magnitude greater in most stats (number of installs and latest commits in particular) and CodeComplice seems to be a fork of it anyway?



You’re right it is a fork, this will explain why it was forked



I installed Sublime Linter C, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lua, PHP and Python and they gave installation errors. I had to remove them and clean the errors.



Do you know another package similar to Atom snippets?



I am trying to find a tile manager for Mac that will save the window layouts. Is Moom the only option or are their others I should look at?



What are some good themes you guys are using? AYU looks pretty slick these days. Any others?



The core Mariana one is also nice.



Have a look at DA UI :heart_eyes:

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I assume you went through the installation / troubleshooting guides?

What was the error? Launch a github issue if you couldn’t solve it?

I haven’t used atom. Well no, i used it for about a day and couldn’t stand it’s performance, but that was a long time ago. Going off the following…

How is this not exactly the same as sublime snippets? Except that sublime uses xml as a format while atom uses json-ish (cson) format.

The only difference i can see is that atom has an inbuilt interface for organization, and sublime you’re left to organize them by yourself in your file system.



For example, observe 2 snippets in the same sublime-snippet file. I want to group many snippets in the same file without needing to create each file for each snippet

    <content><![CDATA[<php echo $this ?>


    <content><![CDATA[<php echo number_format($this) ?>

    <scope>embedding.php, text.html.basic, meta.embedded.block.php, source.php, punctuation.section.block.end.php</scope>
    <description>many snippets in the same group at the same time</description>


Not possible as far as im aware, sublime is limited to 1 snippet per file. Have you tried using completions files instead?

Also important, if you’re going to try this, snippets will ‘win’ given the same character bindings (similar to CSS cascade).

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Too bad, they are not compatible with Sublime Text 3.



If you really want to do this — and it does sound convenient — it would be easy to write a plugin for it.