Sublime Forum

Sublime Text 3 Beta


That seems like an accurate assessment to me




I have a feeling that many of the big popular ones will be ported in a few weeks to a month (I am working on mine right now). The simpler ones are probably easier to fix. The 2to3 binary that comes with Python 3 helps quite a bit if you don’t know all of the changes between 2.6 and 3.3.[/quote]

Agreed, but it just takes one or two critical ones to disrupt the workflow and make upgrading not worth it.
One plugin I use a lot and would hate to lose is Corona Sublime, but I suspect it would take some time for that to be updated.



This doesn’t actually seem to have any python plugins?

Packages that are just syntaxes/snippets etc should just work



Emmet (ZenCoding) unfortunately relies on PyV8, which last I checked a month or so ago, isn’t Python 3 ready yet.

Porting that to Python 3 will be a bit of a task



Jon, can we expect to hide menu under Linux ? I really miss this feature !

Thanks for your work



[quote=“bizoo”]For ST3 (Windows) after a quick look at the portable version:
(- show_quick_panel has a new on_highlight callback ! Yeah !!! thanks Jon.) [this is not a feature request but whatever :wink: ]
- Still no way to know what’s modified on the on_modified event… :frowning: [Not too necessary but could reduce ressources needed in order to see what has changed]
- Still no way to add custom information in the status bar (like indentation and syntax) ? [That’d be insanely awesome, for instance with line endings]

I’d really like these features in ST, please add them to your roadmap if they aren’t already.

[quote=“jps”]Indexed symbols are controlled by the showInIndexedSymbolList preference, which is defined in .tmPreferences files. Most syntax definitions are covered by the contents of Default/Symbols.tmPreferences, but the scala syntax definition appears to assign scope names differently.

In short, you need to edit “Packages/Scala/Symbols.tmPreferences” and change it to: …][/quote]

The default implementations use a file named “Symbol List.tmPreferences” for this but after testing various file names it seems like this doesn’t matter at all. It even doesn’t matter if the “name” key inside is not “Symbol List” so it appears that the only interesting parts about them are that it the file contains dict which has a “settings” and a “scope” key. Anyway, regarding the tmPreferences and other tm* files, I created a new topic about xml not being the best choice because this is a new issue and does not revolve here. ST3 might be a good opportunity to take this step now or at least soon.



I just want to support all those people who complain about price increasing. Don’t like new price policy at all. Especially taking in account that features like speed optimizations should be just a part of normal application development (not an indicator of a new release), and pane management was pretty the same in ST2 with origami plugin.

It all looks like the late Apple updates — you should call this new release Sublime Text 2S. If it’s just about money making, I start to regret that I switched from Vim and spend my time on configuring Sublime and writing plugins…



I came across an issue with show_quick_panel in ST3 when I want to show multiple panels in succession. The first panel shows fine but apparently doesn’t release until after the selection method is called. I found a workaround using threading.Timer but it is much more convoluted than simply calling show_quick_panel in the select callback. I’m on a Mac if that makes any difference.



I too would like to complain about the upgrade pricing, it’s far too cheap. I make a decent living coding in Sublime Text all day and using two of my brain cells was able to formulate a basic understanding of its value to me. While doing this, two of my other brain cells were busy coming to the conclusion that if Jon had simply spent the next six months twiddling his thumbs, sipping fine wine and lounging on his huge pile of well deserved cash instead of working his butt off, then there wouldn’t be an endless stream of ingrates criticising him for daring to charge for his work.

Now, where’s the donate button so I can show some extra appreciation for all the man-hours ST has saved me?




window.show_quick_panel("some", "items", "in", "this", "list"], lambda x: window.show_quick_panel("duh"], print), on_highlight=print)


Bought ST2 in December 2012, and 1 month later discovers it’s EOL, and that even if I qualify for the cheaper upgrade (which I am not sure if I am), I would still have been better off buying today instead.

This is really disappointing having to pay 25%-50% more after one+ month of buying it, especially with no indication of it going EOL (it’s version 2.0.1!)



First of all I must say that Sublime Text is the best text editor in the world and all the changes coming with Sublime Text 3 will make it even better.

About the pricing:
I’m just a student and Sublime is just a text editor, with many alternatives out there for free. And while you don’t have much money as a student, you get many things that you might need for studying for free (Microsoft products) or least a discount, except Sublime Text. If I would be already working and Sublime Text would help me to earn money, the old 59$ and the new 70$ would be fair price. But I don’t and therefor buying Sublime Text 2 last autumn was a big investment for me. Since then Sublime Text 2 hasn’t seen any updates and now I can switch to Sublime Text 3 Beta, but it will take some time for the plugin developers to update and when they are done it will not last long until Sublime Text 3 is released and I would have to pay another 30$ or go back to Sublime Text 2.

About the changes:
I think the step to Python 3 is right, some might argue that it is too early, but Python 3 is the future and someone has to go forward first (before the other follow).
The promised speed improvement would be very cool, but so far I can only test ST3 without plugins and without plugins ST2 starts instantly as well for me. So I have to wait for some plugins ports so see if ST3 slows with them as ST2 does. Also speed was always a trademark of Sublime Text, so any speed improvement I see more as a bug fix than as a new feature. Therefor I would have expected those improvements as small updates to Sublime Text 2 over the last months. While there were no updates I paid the 59$ for the program without getting any bug fixes (and the lack of speed was not the only bug).
The improvements to the Goto feature are very nice, but do not satisfy a major update for 30$.

I’m happy to see the movement forward and I appreciate Jon’s work, but I’m very disappointed from the update policy. First no updates for Sublime Text 2 and now the expensive update. 5-10$ would be ok for me (as student) if Jon adds some more little features.
Further I think a cheap update would guaranty that most of the users switch as soon as the plugins are working. Then the plugins developers can focus on the new version and the user base would not split (which would be very bad).



Sublime Text 2 has had a huge impact on my productivity and added a lot of fun to the work I do. I’ve been testing out ST3 and like it a lot. I personally would be willing to pay a lot more for the upgrade. I’m no longer a student but I think discounts for students should be considered.



I have noticed that some very very basic C++ autocomplete features are working without any plugins. SublimeClang did not work all that well in Linux, and the quality of the autocomplete was nowhere near comparable with something like Eclipse CDT, for example, although the idea was very similar (offering autocomplete based on built dumps). For something as basic as C/C++, a good autocomplete system is highly desired and sought after, or so is my understanding. Since now ST3 has such a convenient jump-to-definition feature, which I am assuming will work out of the box with Python and suchlike, I see no mention anywhere on how this should be put to work with C/C++, as if it is assumed people use Sublime Text for PHP development. This sort of makes me feel awkward, and I am sure that I am not alone. Is it possible for SublimeText to have its own autocomplete system, or to integrate with some well known autocomplete system that already works well (with Eclipse, or Emacs, or something else)? I believe this is an important question for Desktop developers in general.



New changes a pretty cool, instant startup time is unbelievably nice, price stuff is mildly annoying but eh, it’s not like any other text editor really compares (even the ones that are much more expensive) so I’m just glad Sublime is as cheap as it is.

Besides, the trial with no time limit means that you can effectively use Sublime for free. I’m kind of assuming ST3 will have a similar deal. The way I figure it, the trial is the educational discount version, it just reminds you that once you have money you should buy it!



[quote=“drcongo”]I too would like to complain about the upgrade pricing, it’s far too cheap. I make a decent living coding in Sublime Text all day and using two of my brain cells was able to formulate a basic understanding of its value to me. While doing this, two of my other brain cells were busy coming to the conclusion that if Jon had simply spent the next six months twiddling his thumbs, sipping fine wine and lounging on his huge pile of well deserved cash instead of working his butt off, then there wouldn’t be an endless stream of ingrates criticising him for daring to charge for his work.

Now, where’s the donate button so I can show some extra appreciation for all the man-hours ST has saved me?[/quote]

+1 Well said drcongo :smile:



First off, so far ST3 looks very cool, that instant startup is is very nice. Price is more than fair, imho, for what you get.

Tiniest of suggestions: could you maybe change the program icon to something else? Since I run v3 in parallel to v2 (for the plugins), it’d be nice to differentiate them in the toolbar… (I for one love this icon: … st=buckets )




One thing I notice in ST3 that’s a bit annoying is that if you click on the code map outside the current area (the grey tinted area), you can’t immediately drag that area. This was possible in ST2 and was super convenient - you’d click anywhere on the code map, the active (grey) area would jump there and you could drag it around. I hope that’s just a bug in ST3?



@ripclaw: This was implemented in ST2 Dev 2220 and can be disabled:



Is there any news about bidirectional text and rtl languages in st3 ?