Sublime Forum

Subl opens extra empty window


Whenever I open a directory in ST2 using the subl utility I get an extra window with a blank file. This only happens if there are no open windows or if ST2 was not running when executing the command. Is there any way to get rid of this extra window (on Mac OS X Lion)?

Related to this: sometimes the command line utility returns an error and only opens the window with the blank file. Executing the previous command again most of the time solves that problem. The error is: “Unable to connect to Sublime Text 2”. Looks like some kind of timeout that perhaps is a little quick. Any solution to this?

Thanks in advance!


[Bug] Unable to connect to Sublime Text 2

This has already been discussed, feel free to add your vote over there :wink:



Ah, thanks for pointing that out, I couldn’t find anything about it yet. At least now I know its not some error in my config.