Hey, thought your problem was kind of interesting because I work on three different machines during the day (Mac OS X at work, Windows & Ubuntu at home.) I just keep my packages directory synced across them all using Dropbox and some symlinks.
Anyways, this should do what you want.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import platform
class SodaThemeColorByHostCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
dark_theme = 'Soda Dark.sublime-theme'
light_theme = 'Soda Light.sublime-theme'
dark_machines = '']
light_machines = '']
def run(self):
s = sublime.load_settings('Global.sublime-settings')
hostname = platform.node()
if hostname in self.light_machines:
s.set('theme', self.light_theme)
elif hostname in self.dark_machines:
s.set('theme', self.dark_theme)
You should just be able to throw that into your Packages in a python file (I have it as ‘sodacolor.py’) and fill in the hostnames of the machines you want to be dark/light.