After updating sublime text 3 I am no longer able to double click on the file name in the search results to open up the file.
[Solved] Double click in search results not opening file
I have the same problem and I don’t use FindResultsApplyChanges plugin. How to fix it?
I don’t have that plugin installed either, so that’s not what’s causing it for me either
Put the focus on the Find result view, open the console and type and compare the result:
>>> view.settings().get("result_file_regex")
So a year later and I am reminded to try and fix this again… sorry for the super late reply!
I did the search you suggested and it returned nothing. I have a 2nd computer where the double click actually works and it came back with the following:
‘^({^ /t].):$’
so I’m guessing that the ‘nothing’ result might be the problem? How do I fix that?
I have the same problem, looking at the console I see:
Worker xxxxx appears stuck while processing file /fileName, killing process
For those that want the functionality of FindResultsApplyChanges AND also be able to double-click to open the file on the Find/Search Results page:
To restore the double-click behavior, you need to add
"disable_double_click": false
into the Package’s User Settings file. To edit this file, just go to: Main menubar -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> FindResultsApplyChanges -> Settings – User.