That does not work for me, though truth be told, I’ve no idea what I’m doing.
After changing your script (as you suggested) and saving it in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User, what am I supposed to do with it?
Also, I changed
// Controls what scopes auto complete will be triggered in
“auto_complete_selector”: “meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc”,
// Controls what scopes auto complete will be triggered in
“auto_complete_selector”: “meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin, source - comment - string.quoted.double.block - string.quoted.single.block - string.unquoted.heredoc - text.tex”,
(just added “text.tex”)
Is this correct? Because absolutely nothing changed. Still not getting the dropdown for latex files.