Sublime Forum



I’ve same problem :slight_smile: is kind of annonying… I can live with this for a bit, but was really considering to not open a tab when no errors are presented. So be with me, I’ll try to add something…




This is an awesome plugin.  Up until now I’ve been using Git Shell & this is sooo much faster.   :slightly_smiling:

I have a question regarding your side_bar_git_add_commit_push command.

If I run it from the sidebar context menu after right-clicking on the repo directory, all files will be pushed.  If I run it from the command palette, only the current file will be pushed.

The commands & arguments appear to be exactly the same:

// @ `Context.sublime-menu`

{ "caption": "Add & Commit & Push…",             "command": "side_bar_git_add_commit_push", "args": {"paths": []} },

// @ `Commands.sublime-commands`

{ "caption": "SideBarGit: Add & Commit & Push…", "command": "side_bar_git_add_commit_push", "args": {"paths": []} },


Is there any way I can create custom entries @ Commands.sublime-settings that will affect the entire repo, rather than only the currently active file?



@fico maybe I missunderstood the question or situation, but I think theres some kind of misunderstanding, as you cannot push just a file, on git you push anything you didn’t push already. Basically the command does not really care what you select, it will resolve the repositories contained in that selection and push them




The first half of your statement is actually the exact issue I’m experiencing, and I am consistently able to do so when using SideBarGit commands after right clicking on a particular file.

( It’s actually a nice feature to have, but I think there should also be the ability to affect the entire repo via the command’s arguments. )


Here is a short video demo:

Test Round 1

  • From:   Command Palette
  • Result: No Files Pushed

Test Round 2

  • From:   SideBar Menu / Test2.txt & Test4.txt
  • Result: Test2.txt & Test4.txt Pushed

Test Round 3

  • From:   SideBar Menu / Repo Directory
  • Result: Remaining Files Pushed

I copied the original issue post & included steps to reproduce the issue @:

SideBarGit / Issue #40


( also see Issue #39 for a non-related workflow improvement :grin: )



I own the Oblivion repo. I’ll add it in.