Would be awesome if you could fork this plugin over to the S2 GitHub org! Good stuff!
SideBar Enhanc.. (Clipboard, Open With., Reload renamed)
[quote=“tito”]Can you please answer this:
When you delete a file via the context menu, the file is sent to the “trash”?
In answer to your questions:
- This does not open Photoshop & with the command log turned on I get this:
command: side_bar_open {"paths": "/Users/MyUser/Dropbox/Work/Web/Clients (Current)/Client1/Logo/Logo.psd"]}
- Reveal works as expected
- Delete does not work for me
Open with return this in the console:
command: side_bar_files_open_with {"application": "/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app", "extensions": "psd|png|jpg|jpeg|gif", "paths": "/Users/MyUser/Dropbox/Work/Web/Clients (Current)/Client1/Logo/Logo.psd"]}
Mr thanks for your answers!
I think I have something… please update the package
With this as the line of the application in the config file:
"application": "/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app",
Try “open with…”
If still not working…
go to menu “view” -> “show console”
and try some of the following… until you get the file opened.
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', '/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', '/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'], cwd='/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Photoshop', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Photoshop', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
Hope you can open that file and tell me which command works.
I’ve some questions:
1 ) Can you open a photoshop file via “Open/Run” menuitem now? I think is fixed.
2 ) CAREFUL with this one: Is now a folder or file successfully sent to trash? If not, is there some message into the console?
Thanks in advance.
An improvement to celebrate changes introduced on version 2134:
- After a file or folder is moved or renamed, the views(tabs) affected by the rename will reflect the new location(reload) keeping content, selections and scroll.
Any problem let me know
[size=85]There is a little bug with scroll which differs a few lines, looks like I can’t tell the editor to put line xxx on top, then I tell to put line xxx on bottom and because of the size of the “Rename box” the first line differs.[/size]
Just to mention that I added bookmarks and marks to the bits copied when a view/file is moved from its location.
Also, users that can’t select multiples files or folders is because “open files” option is turned off. Then, I reviewed the code to take care when multiples files/folders are selected.
Has there been any luck/attempt getting this plugin to work with the Side Bar “Open Files”. I poked around a little bit and it looks like the open file items are handled differently than the project files, is this true? I only get “Close” as a menu item.
Nice plugin, it definitely adds some much needed functionality.
Nope, at some point I think “Open Files” will act in a similar way to project folders on which “Remove Folder from Project” appears but the normal menu appears too.
Mr thanks for your answers!
I think I have something… please update the package
With this as the line of the application in the config file:
"application": "/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app",
Try “open with…”
If still not working…
go to menu “view” -> “show console”
and try some of the following… until you get the file opened.
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', '/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', '/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'], cwd='/Applications/Adobe\\ CS5/Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Adobe\\ Photoshop\\ CS5.app', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Photoshop', 'mypsd.psd'], cwd='/path/to/')
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', 'Photoshop', '/path/to/mypsd.psd'])
Hope you can open that file and tell me which command works.
I’ve some questions:
1 ) Can you open a photoshop file via “Open/Run” menuitem now? I think is fixed.
2 ) CAREFUL with this one: Is now a folder or file successfully sent to trash? If not, is there some message into the console?
Thanks in advance.[/quote]
So after a lot of trial & more error with these 7 commands, I managed to get them all working! I did have to change your commands however; none of them worked in their provided state, so I experimented - removing backslashes, spaces etc - until I finally tried the commands without any backslashes & just entered the file/app locations as they & low & behold,they worked.
I had to change 6 & 7’s app name to Adobe Photoshop CS5 as that’s how my app is named.
Just so we’re clear, here’s one of them:
import subprocess; subprocess.Popen('open', '-a', '/Applications/Adobe CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5.app', 'Logo.psd'], cwd='/Users/mrmartineau/Dropbox/Work/Web/Clients (Current)/Company/Logo/')
After that I thought I would toy around with the sublime-menu file, which I got working. Instead of providing the app’s location, I just provided the name (without backslashes if there are spaces etc) and it now works perfectly!! Here’s my full sublime-menu file for reference:
{“id”: “side-bar-files-open-with”,
//application 1
"caption": "Photoshop",
"id": "side-bar-files-open-with-photoshop",
"command": "side_bar_files_open_with",
"args": {
"paths": ],
"application": "Adobe Photoshop CS5.app",
"extensions":"psd|png|jpg|jpeg|gif" //any file with these extensions
//application 2
"caption": "Espresso",
"id": "side-bar-files-open-with-espresso",
"command": "side_bar_files_open_with",
"args": {
"paths": ],
"application": "Espresso.app",
"extensions":"css" //open all even folders
//application n
"caption": "CSS Edit",
"id": "side-bar-files-open-with-cssedit",
"command": "side_bar_files_open_with",
"args": {
"paths": ],
"application": "CSSEdit.app",
"extensions":"css" //any file with extension
If you need more info, let me know…
please update and let me know if still works for you.
Also, it would be good if you can test the button “Open / Run” and let me know
I have buid 2144 and I installed it through the package control. It worked fine on Mac (Open With menu) after replacing the Windows config with the one posted by MrMartineau on his latest reply without any change.
This plugin has been updated:
Update v0.9:
- Minor tweaks and fixes.
- Fix: Re-enable move to trash for OSX
- New: Allow to display “file modified time” and “file size” on statusbar via preferences.
- Fix: Disable of built-in function is now automatic.
- On the way: exclude from project, promote as project folder. ( requires restart to apply changes, looks like there is no way to reload project files.)
- Fix: Many appends of same directory to “sys.path”
This plugin has been updated to include the preference “close_affected_buffers_when_deleting_even_if_dirty” which is by default “False”.
This preference allow you to automatically close all the buffers affected by a deleting operation.
Great plugin.
In the “Open with” menu, can you move “Edit Applications” to the bottom of the sub-menu? Once I’ve set it up, I want to be able to quickly pick the first app in the list.
Also, perhaps (via an option) the Open With menu could hide applications that are not available (i.e. because the file extension doesn’t match) instead of greying them out. I have a lot of apps listed, but for a given file type only a few options are possible.
[quote=“craigpatik”]Great plugin.
In the “Open with” menu, can you move “Edit Applications” to the bottom of the sub-menu? Once I’ve set it up, I want to be able to quickly pick the first app in the list.[/quote]
You may want to try and let me know what you changed to get the menuitem on bottom. I cant’ see a way to do that.
[quote]Also, perhaps (via an option) the Open With menu could hide applications that are not available (i.e. because the file extension doesn’t match) instead of greying them out. I have a lot of apps listed, but for a given file type only a few options are possible.
Done, with new preference “hide_open_with_entries_when_there_are_no_applicable”
I did not find a way to do it. I was hoping you could add an option so it could become possible.
Update v1.1:
- New: A boolean preference “confirm_before_deleting” which controls if a confirmation is needed before deleting.
- New: When using pasting feature the editor will ask for “replace items” when these items exists. Note: When a folder exists the package will merge the two as in the OS.
Hello. Excellent plugin, thanks for your hard work!
Is it possible to add hotkeys or other commands to the “Open With” functionality?
For example, double clicking a png file will open it with Photoshop instead of Sublime or hitting F12 will open a selected file or tab with Chrome.
There is no built-in options to assign hotkeys to sidebar for the moment… and there is no way to listen clicks.