Sublime Forum

RTL is not supported in Sublime Text 4!


The RTL feature has been requested many times since at least 2013, and there have been ugly - read non-native - workarounds that worked on and off. Now, in mid-2021, the mighty Sublime Text 4 has been released and meh! The RTL feature is where it has been on version 2, and additionally, to upgrade from V3 to V4, one needs to upgrade the license too?

Come on! Why should I upgrade my V3 license to V4 while I have been using the Visual Studio Code for free more and more, instead of using my once beloved Sublime Text?

As a customer and someone who loved the sublime text since V2, I strongly suggest you update your backlog to include this long-awaited feature of supporting RTL.

This is not a feature request. Taking nearly seven years, It’s an issue and more of a technical nature to me!



I would guess that requires a major rewrite to its render system, so…



Yeh, I love it too and I hate vscode because it’s just like the sublime not the sublime!
But at the last word the sublime text does not support RTL and useless!

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Well, this feature was requested 7+ years ago. It would have been twice over if they have started it back then.



that would be a bold move.



It seems like they just don’t prioritize RTL language support and they never will
I’d suggest you stop using, recommending, or paying for their software if you still do, along with any other RTL language speakers out there.
Otherwise, they will keep ignoring the issue and I think we can all live without it.

And good alternatives can be vim / emacs (you can setup emacs daemon to speed it up)
You can use notepad++ but if you’re keen on lsp you can use kate or emacs, it’s (kate) not as light as sublime but it’s snappy and good.

Kate is the closest thing you can get to sublime and it’s really decent.
IIRC all of these do support Arabic and probably other RTL languages too.