Sublime Forum

Restrict with_prototype to single context in sublime-syntax


I was recently looking into the feasibility of working on a Razor templating syntax for C# when I eventually ran into a problem I don’t think I can work around without modifying the embedded syntaxes. Take this Razor snippet:

<p>This is a test</p>
    string[] teamMembers = {"Matt", "Joanne", "Robert", "Nancy"};
    foreach (var name in teamMembers)
    foreach (var reversedItem in teamMembers)

The @{ identifier starts a C# code block. The last } terminates it. How am I supposed to differentiate the last brace with any of the ones in the middle?

When you include another syntax, the with_prototype tag lets you inject matches into EVERY context. Because of this, there is no way I can properly check that last brace. If there was a way to only inject it into the main context (or whatever context was the target to be injected), then I could easily detect it.

The only workaround I can think of would be convincing the author of the language syntax to include a special embedding context that would be as simple as:

    - match: '(?=\})'
      pop: true
    - include: main

It would be nice not to have to do that, though.



This may be a silly question, but do you need to use with_prototype?

%YAML 1.2
# See
scope: source.razorcs
    - include: scope:text.html.basic
    - match: '@\{'
        - match: '\{$'
            - match: '\}'
              pop: true
            - include: main
        - include: scope:source.cs
        - match: '\}'
          pop: true
    - match: '@\w+'
      scope: variable.other.razorcs

obviously my example isn’t likely to be foolproof, but it seems to work
(i.e. it should use lookaheads for the curly braces and let the C# syntax scope them etc.)

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That ability to include scopes like that is not documented and may completely solve my problem. I’ll have to experiment more.



you can also go one step further and include only a specific context from another syntax definition, in case it is useful:

- include: scope:source.cs#block


The Default Packages repo is worth checking out to see how some constructs are handled by the syntaxes that ship with ST3.



Yeah, I was able to figure that one out. Thanks to your help I was able to mostly finish my Razor syntax file. It wasn’t as clean as I would have liked, but it is working now.