Sublime Forum

Reset Zoom to Default via "Ctrl+0"


How can I set a key binding to allow me to reset the font size to default via “Ctrl+0”?



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I’ve had this in my Keybindings - User file for years:

    "keys": ["super+k", "super+equals"],
    "command": "reset_font_size"

With this, super++ and super+- increase/decrease, then super+k+ resets font size to the default. I’m certain I didn’t come up with that, but it’s been so long that I have no idea who deserves credit.



To add to what joemaller said:

reset_font_size is a built in command - you can see it if you type the following in the ST console: sublime.log_commands(True) and then go to the Preferences menu -> Font -> Reset.

This command resets the font size to whatever is defined in your ST User preferences, or if it isn’t defined there, then the value defined in the default ST preferences.

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Thank you for this! I did not realize there was an easy package already… :smile: