There is a recurring need to find windows carriage return characters and the regex “\r” never matches a thing in my sublime text 2. Newline “\n” always works.
I have checked the binary codes with Total Commander and it shows 0D 0A patterns in text where line breaks show up in windows notepad. And sublime
finds the newlines as \n OR binary x0A. It never finds any of the carriage returns as \r OR as the binary equivalent 0D, even though they are there for certain.
I have a need to find the carriage returns distinctly from other line break characters.
Can someone, anyone, try to match \r AND \x0D in there sublime text in a file they know contains such characters?
For windows, those files are easy to make. Notepad. Enter key makes carriage return + newline = 0D 0A = \r\n
Thank you anyone