Sublime Forum

Python - RUN Current file


Good Morning.
Before updating it had a keyboard shortcut for SublimeREPL> Python> Python - RUN Current file, which I configured in Preferences> Key Bindings - User, in the following way:

{ “keys”: [“ctrl+b”], “command”: “run_existing_window_command”, “args”:
“id”: “repl_python_pdb”,
“file”: “config/Python/Main.sublime-menu”

It turns out that today it updates and it does not work anymore



There is a bug in SublimeREPL that causes the run_existing_window_command command to not work properly in build 3200 (Sublime Text 3.2) on Windows.

The Sublime devs have made changes to resolve the problem and let the package work again, but those changes have not been officially released yet. Licensed users can switch to the development builds of Sublime to resolve the problem that way.

Alternatively, the thread linked below has more information on alternate key bindings you can use that don’t use run_existing_window_command to get it working in the interim until the next stable release happens.


SublimeREPL don't starts after last update