Sublime Forum

Published Plugin to Sync Sublime Across Machine


I’ve published initial version of my plugin PreferenceSync. Guidelines from Based On Sync Guidelines

Upload your preference which is whole User packages folder (Packages/User), and in the new machine download with UUID, your new sublime will become like the old one.

Cool things is it contains preferences (all packages), your installed packages, your theme, color everything. :slightly_smiling: I’ve some more features to do, sortof like publish your preferences publicly and others can use it

Please let me know if you have any issues/ good to have features, etc.

Github Repositort Link



Just be warned, uploading the full set of Packages will often lead to a broken environment if you sync it to a machines with a different OS or achitecture.



I am syncing only User Packages folder excluding the files mentioned in syncing. Also when i mean packages getting installed its the installed packages in Package Control.sublime-settings which gets installed by ST by default.

Will it still cause any issues?