Sublime Forum

Problem with new style syntax package


I am an unpaid customer, too.



You mean paid, right? Or does HQ not pay you?

I tried your first version and it worked. On macOS sending text works perfectly.

I’ll point out that some packages uncompress themselves to Packages. For example, during this escapade I re-installed sublimerepl 3 times and it always installed as a directory in Packages.



Now for a compliment.

sublimerepl should be cherished. It is probably the only polyglot repl. It is very light weight.

I am learning scheme and lisp as an exercise, not so much for practical work.

SublimeText with sublimerepl is easier, more reliable, vastly faster and just as functional as Emacs with slime or sly or geiser. I’ve told this to my friends who maintain Gambit as a suggestion for new users who’ll find getting Emacs working with all of the dependencies quite a challenge (although I managed to do that–it is satisfactory but hardly wonderful).

Many language tooling implementers seem to think that accessing their repl is some sort of deep art.
But, sublimerepl makes it very easy for the pre-configured languages (really, with thorough templates because some tweaking is usually necessary). And implementing an entirely new language is decently documented.

You might even consider pre-installing it to provide excellent “built-in” Python development support–which is quite a lot more popular than Scheme or Common Lisp–perhaps 50x to 100x.



Nope. Just one of the volunteers helping to keep things up. I am also not associated with sublimehq in any way nor are my statements.

I’ll point out that some packages uncompress themselves to Packages.

Yes, that’s true. Packages containing .no-sublime-package files are installed in extracted form. I don’t see a reason why SublimeREPL does, though - maybe for easier access to all those config files.

Our statements rather targeted the “Scheme.sublime-package” as it seemed to be the primary object of concern.

I personally mainly use Terminus or an external terminal with the required interpreter for running code snippets.

FWIW: I hacked around WinError6 by commenting out a line of code.

After that changing those 3 lines of “syntax” to the new sublime-syntax file, everything is working fine for scheme.

I must confess, the config structure of SublimeREPL is rather weird and complex and I dislike all of it being tweaked in the package directory.

Fortunatelly, creating a Packages/User/Default.sublime-commands with a customized open_repl command, works as well.

   {"command": "repl_open",
      "caption": "Gambit",
      "args": {
         "type": "subprocess",
         "encoding": "utf8",
         "external_id": "scheme",
         "cmd": {"linux": ["gosh", "-i"],
            "osx": ["gsi", "-i"],
         "windows": ["gosh", "-i"]},
         "soft_quit": "\n(exit)\n",
         "cwd": "$folder",
         "cmd_postfix": "\n",
         "extend_env": {"INSIDE_EMACS": "1"},
         "syntax": "Scheme.sublime-syntax"


So, just in my overall user settings.json?

Or using the exact path and filename you’ve used?

Yeah, having to get 3 files in perfect harmony is really a pain though the result is nice when it works.



Command Palette items are defined in files called Default.sublime-commands. Location doesn’t matter, ST reads and merges them all.

The snippet shows the content of my Default.sublime-commands in User package.



And all with the same file name: differentiated by the content json, which gets jammed into one overall json object…

OK. Thanks, I’m done for the day here.