BPL strikes home with me on this. I rarely need to print code, but have had in the past to do it or I also use Sublime for other things than code which I would like to print at times.
Over the years, I have vim and emacs alongside Sublime. Each of those provide no printing functionality. Where vim and emacs, however, have shone for me was that they provided a very convenient alternative. Export…export to markdown or html or straight to pdf. So easy to print afterwards or reformat using pandoc.
There is a package for Sublime that seemed to hold some promise in my research for similar functionality and it’s called Highlight, but it is an archived on github package (meaning it doesn’t get any move love from its maintainer), hasn’t seen updates in years and has a bunch of unresolved issues. This package or a similar one could fix the printing issue very well, but not in the state that this package is in at the moment.