I’m one of “those guys” that considers integrated printing essential to their work. I really don’t understand the virulence and contempt with which the people with the opposite views seem to regard this feature request.
I’ve been programming for 20 something years, and an essential part of the way I work is to print out and annotate my own code, and to share it with others for comment and revision. I understand that not everyone works that way, but because it is so important to the way I work, my primary editor will have that feature.
I have tried the other printing options, and they are just not “there.” Print to HTML trashes programming indentation, particularly when there is a mix of spaces and tabs in the file. So I come to this forum simply to state that integrated printing is an essential feature for me, and to express my wish that it be added to Sublime 3. The developer of Sublime can do with this what he will, but I’m not going to buy the editor unless it has this feature.
If you don’t care about this feature, fine. But it’s important to me, because it’s part of the way that I work and code.
I really, really like Sublime: it is elegant, lightweight, and has personality. But the lack of integrated printing keeps me using editors that are otherwise clunkier (Notepad++, MultiEdit, SlickEdit).