Went back to ST3 build 3083 from 3103 and now I get prompted that a new version is available to download. How can I stop this. Have tried adding “update_check”: false, to user preference but still get message box?
Preventing dialog box prompting to update to new version
I agree.
I want to be able to maintain updates of Sublime Text using a repository, not via unsigned downloads from the website. If the maintainer of the repository (e.g. packages.linuxmint.com) doesn’t update, then I don’t feel a strong need to review that decision. It’ll update often enough, and presumably with a bit more testing before updates are pushed through.
If I did want to manage updates by downloading from the website, I’d still want to be able to have the notification dialog accept an option to not notify me again for the given version, or some such thing. Nagging every time the software is started is pretty annoying.
If SublimeText was open source, I’d patch this. Makes me wonder why I’m using a closed source product for something as important as my coding environment.
Where did the idea of setting “update_check” come from? Is that documented somewhere?
[Solved] Disable "Update Available" pop up?
"update_check" : false not working
[ST3] Ignore "update_check": false
I’m thinking I could probably figure out a way to intercept access to www.sublimetext.com/updates/3/stable/updatecheck to disrupt this annoyance. I’m wondering if I could just return a 404 or something more sophisticated is needed.
The request is made in cleartext (port 80), which makes it easier to intercept. Not only that, but the request effectively reports what version I’m using at present, in cleartext. If there’s a security issue with my version, then anyone looking at the traffic gets alerted to what I’m using. The format of the reply includes specification of what URL to download from, which is also dangerous.
OK, so “update_check” was an implemented feature as of [Solved] Disable "Update Available" pop up?
As of version 3114 at least, this check can be disabled for a registered version of the software, and I gather only for a registered version.