thanks. I never really got it to work. Jumping to definitions always shows ‘Can’t find …’ and super+j doesn’t do anything.
In any case, tooltips would be much better. It would already be great if the current autocompletion popup could show the arguments of a function in grey.
.sublime-completions file do not seem to support a difference between ‘displayed name in auto-completion list’ and actual completions. It would also allow trigger-based completions to be more useful because they could have a trigger, content, and something like label part so that the user actually sees what is going to be inserted. In this example
{ “trigger”: “a”, “contents”: “<a href=”$1">$0" }
the autocompletion is just going to show ‘a’ but it would be great to see in great what is actually inserted. A separate label field that is displayed in grey would make so much possible… … ompletions.