Sublime Forum

Please help me....terminal is not printing Korean


I was input string and printing of use Korean…

terminal is not printing Korean…

but english is printing…

Help me…T.T



This (and your other issue) is because of encodings’ mismatch. Sublime expects utf-8 while programs (Python in this case) generate output in system’s one-byte encoding.

Let’s try to fix it for Python:

  1. Find Python.sublime-package in <executable_path>/Packages. It’s a zip archive, you need to extract Python.sublime-build from it.
  2. Create Python in <data_path>/Packages and copy Python.sublime-build to it. Now Sublime will use this version of file instead of the one from package.
  3. Add a new key encoding with you system encoding. Should be something like this:
    "cmd": ["python", "-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python",
    "encoding": "<your_system_encoding>",


To figure out the encoding you need run this python script in Sublime:

import sys


Step 1 and 2 can be combined and simplified by using the PackageResourceViewer package.

cp1252 is a western codepage and does not include korean. It appears that cp949 is the default codepage on Korean Windows systems.

However, what I suggest instead is to change Python’s output to use utf-8 by setting the $PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable as described here:



Well, I’ve mentioned how to get the system codepage… Anyway, @jps needs to patch in Default package and fall back to sys.stdout.encoding instead of utf-8. It will fix the issue.



thank you that you give me your time…

I changed “Python.sublime-build” how you said to me…

but when i print(sys.stdout.encoding)

output is “cp949”

I’m using Anaconda that include python 3.5…I think it is problem…

do you have another idea…?

I request to help again…

have a good day lastsecondsave!



You need to put your encoding in the file, not to use the one from sample. But I agree with @FichteFoll, check the link he provided for a better solution.