I like the Nil theme, however I’d rather have thicker tabs, so I’ll manually change them. It’d be cool if you could add a “theme config” block to the settings which would allow us to overwrite certain aspects of a theme without losing the changes if there is an update.
Overwrite theme options in settings
You can already do this by creating a file such as Default.sublime-theme or Widgets.tmTheme or whatever it is you want to tweak in your User directory under Packages. Then only have the sections that are different in those files.
This doesn’t work for me, on Windows or OSX.
I’ve created Default.sublime-theme in my \Packages\User directory and put the portion of code in there that I want to change - but even after restarting ST2 - nothing.
@jbrooksuk from your post above, you are using the Nil theme, so I think you would have to name your override file Nil.sublime-theme rather than Default.sublime-theme
Ah I see, so your overwrite has to be the same name.
Would be cool if there was a General.sublime-theme
Thanks. Here’s a detailed description of how I used the above information to fix this: