Sublime Forum

Overwrite theme options in settings


I like the Nil theme, however I’d rather have thicker tabs, so I’ll manually change them. It’d be cool if you could add a “theme config” block to the settings which would allow us to overwrite certain aspects of a theme without losing the changes if there is an update.



You can already do this by creating a file such as Default.sublime-theme or Widgets.tmTheme or whatever it is you want to tweak in your User directory under Packages. Then only have the sections that are different in those files.

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Oh that’s cool!

Cheers :smile:



This doesn’t work for me, on Windows or OSX.

I’ve created Default.sublime-theme in my \Packages\User directory and put the portion of code in there that I want to change - but even after restarting ST2 - nothing.



@jbrooksuk from your post above, you are using the Nil theme, so I think you would have to name your override file Nil.sublime-theme rather than Default.sublime-theme

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Ah I see, so your overwrite has to be the same name.

Would be cool if there was a General.sublime-theme

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Thanks. Here’s a detailed description of how I used the above information to fix this: