@wbond: to add another data point, I see the same behavior as @diego898.
The first time I open (for example) a latex file after starting ST there is always a brief loading bar (just as his gif shows, and where I had assumed the syntax includes were being recompiled or checked.) This always happens on opening the first latex file after ST loads. It is much shorter than the initial file load that happens when a new version of ST is installed, but still noticeably longer than all subsequent file opens in a given session. It is also much more noticeable on my computer with a slower/older processor.
I see the same behavior on a clean new portable version, so I don’t think it is related to a third party package. I have also observed this behavior for a while in syntaxes that include other syntaxes (possibly since the introduction of sublime-syntax), though I suspect it only started in the LaTeX syntax with the rewrite.
As noted, I had assumed this initial delay was due to a necessary check to verify that none of the syntax includes had been updated or something similar, but it would be great if it could be eliminated.