Sublime Forum

Off-topic Legal Banter (was "Development Status - July 2014")


[quote=“Dragonmaster Lou”]
Okay, in that case, anyone who sues over the whole “free to feel like they’ve been swindled” line will be most likely laughed out of the court room if the case is presided over by any sane judge. It’s no different than someone saying “I feel like I was robbed” when they find out that something they just bought was significantly cheaper at another retailer. In neither case is anyone literally accusing either Sublime’s staff or the more expensive retailer of actually committing a crime. Calling either statement libelous (at least to a point where it would matter in a court of law) is absolutely ludicrous.[/quote]

Where did you say you got your law degree? You should demand a refund of your tuition.



[quote=“diinko”]Keep it coming pete340, we need more laughs.

You must be the explanation for the sudden increase in density in the universe.[/quote]

Don’t encourage him. It’s become clear he’s either compensating or just trolling.

I agree with the moderators for splitting off this thread (in fact, they should just delete it). It’s completely off-topic and ridiculous and I regret allowing myself to get baited into contributing to it.

Let’s shut this down.



Can you not just give these arseholes their money back please…then they can go away and the rest of us can enjoy this forum again.



Or maybe you should leave if you don’t like people on this forum.