Sublime Forum

Newline in a snippet without auto-indenting?


Hi all,
I’m curious if anyone know if there’s a way to insert a snippet that contains multiple newlines while being able to remove the auto indenting from new lines (but still indenting tabs to the correct level)?

I’ll give an example. I have a javascript snippet that inserts the following code:

[code]${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:-$TM_CURRENT_WORD}: function(${1:args}) {
var instance = this;



var instance = this; and $0 should both be indented to the correct level, but what happens for me is that the empty line gets tab characters in it that I have to manually remove.

Is there a way to disable this?

Thanks in advance,

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Hello natecavanaugh
Try following one it give me

import pdb

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not sure why this has been necro’d, but if you take a look at some default JS snippets like you’ll see that auto indentation isn’t applied to the lines in the snippet when the snippet is inserted.

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How to prevent block $SELECTION in snippet from adding indentations?

I created a command for it:

import sublime_plugin

class RichPlainTextForceInsertNewlineCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

    def run(self, edit):
        view = self.view
        settings = view.settings()

        auto_indent = settings.get('auto_indent', True)
        if auto_indent: settings.set('auto_indent', False)

        for selection in view.sel():
            view.insert(edit, selection.a, '\n')

        if auto_indent: settings.set('auto_indent', True)
	{ "caption": "Rich Plain Text: Force Insert New Line", "command": "rich_plain_text_force_insert_newline" },