Thanks for your answer, guillermooo.
Did you inform Jon about these bugs ?
Haha. I hadn’t realized the irony. But I actually push to both, now that hg-git’s sort fo working again with Mercurial 1.9.
The server should now always find the correct repository for the current file.
When I use this plugin, I can’t work out how to get the hg command line to persist. Every time I enter a command, it disappears. Unfortunately this makes the plugin unusable for me; it’s much more efficient to use an external command prompt.
For example, let’s say I want to run hg status. This is what happens:
I press Shift + Control + P
and select “SublimeHg: Open Hg Command Prompt”
The command prompt opens in a new editor panel. (Yay!
I type “status”
The command prompt panel disappears (Boo
!) and is replaced by a results panel (which shows the response from hg)
Now I want to run hg commit, perhaps followed by hg push. For each command, I have to start all over again. And when I’m debugging, this cycle repeats a lot.
Am I just being dense, or is this something that could be improved? It would be fantastic to get a persistent hg command prompt – one less window for me to manage.
Agreed, it’s very annoying. It used to be possible to reopen input panels on_done in ST1, but last time I tried in ST2 it wouldn’t work. I’ll be switching to Mercurial’s own python client for the command server soon, so I’ll take a look at this too. I suppose you know, but simple actions can be performed from the Command Palette too (Ctrl+Shift+P).
This version will attempt to restore the cmdline when you focus the view where you started it first: … me-package
Make sure to ignore or overwrite SublimeHg to avoid conflicts.
It seems to work ok-ish here, but I’ve just whipped it up, so I dunno. If it holds together, I will apply the change in the next version.
Hey there, I implemented my suggested feature and it works more or less. Maybe you can reuse/incorporate some of my code.
Remember that as of dev build 2180 you can set Sublime Text to your editor in .hgrc to handle commit messages.
This seems to work all right for me on Windows 7 and Linux Mint.
It does if you add this to your User Settings:
[code] “packages.sublime_hg.extensions”:
[quote=“guillermooo”]It does if you add this to your User Settings:
[code] “packages.sublime_hg.extensions”:
Okay, thank you. So as far as I understood, this plugin has more features than hg4subl. Am I right? As for the user settings, what happens if I specify such mercurial extensions as color or pager?
I wouldn’t know… Never used it.
The mercurial patch queue is the only one that’ll work right now.