Sublime Forum

Multi task Builder


A plugin that adds the ability to define more than one task (target) in a single sublime-build file.
When you run the Build command, a menu ask you which task you want to execute.

You could get it from github:

Not added to Package Control now, because this plugin is so simple and small that I have the secret dream that Jon integrate it in standard ST2 distribution :wink:



Hey bizoo,

This is a great plugin; thanks a lot!

If (going against your secret dream), you have any plans to expand this plugin, it would be really useful for the plugin to remember which build system you used (on a per-file basis, preferably), so you wouldn’t have to retype it. Yeah, I’m lazy :smiley:



Thanks, I found it really useful to declutter my Build System menu.

Managing this kind of data is not something easy and largely out of the scope of this plugin. Actually often the build command is not per-file but per-project.

You can set the “default_task” field to your main task, but it’s a per sublime-build file option, so basically a per-file type option.



You’re right, of course. What I was asking for would be a nightmare to implement for programming projects. I was thinking of my own simplistic usage of parsing Markdown through Pandoc.



MultiTaskBuild is now available through Package Control.

Thanks Will Bond



The multitaskbuilder has been very helpful to what I am doing – thank you very much to the developer!

In the documentation on-line, and in the package readme file, please be advised that it may be necessary for some users (like me) to add a comma after this line in the example:

“default_task”: “verbose”

Also, is there any possibility of adding support for a keymap assignment to each variant? I will be using 2 of the 4 variants several times a day for the foreseeable future.



[quote=“lawlist”]In the documentation on-line, and in the package readme file, please be advised that it may be necessary for some users (like me) to add a comma after this line in the example:
“default_task”: “verbose”[/quote]

Fixed, thanks.

I tried but it’s not possible:
the arguments of keymap are not send to the build command.

Since the introduction of variants in Build System, I don’t use this plugin anymore.
Did you try it ? (

You can show a menu with all your variants using this keymap:

	{ "keys": "ctrl+alt+shift+b"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Build: "} }

And run a specific variant with something like this:

	{ "keys": "ctrl+shift+b"], "command": "build", "args": {"variant": "Run"} }

I wrote a Feature Request to add/correct a few things in the actual implementation, hope Jon will think about:



Thank you very much for the quick response; and, thank you for the reference to the variants of build systems – I’ll try it out.