Sublime Forum

Mousemap & File-Specific commands


I’ve seen that there’s no scope selector option for mousemap commands, however is it possible to add commands just for a particular file type?

Essentially what I’m trying to do is something similar to how the output from Find In Files is able to open a file by double-clicking on the output. Obviously, I don’t want to change the double-click behaviour for all files.

Or, am I going about this the wrong way? The only place where I need these special commands would be in a scratch view which I’m already setting up in a different command. Is it possible to add event listeners there to achieve what I’m after?


Can we please get context support for mousemap files?
Updates for the stable Sublime Text

The way to do it would be to add a context onto your binding, so it’s only active some times (e.g., when a particular setting is enabled).

Unfortunately, mousemap bindings don’t support contexts at the moment though.



So there’s no way to emulate the Find results page then?



Any news about the context support in mousemap ?
This is required if you want to achieve same behavior as Find results page.



Are you planning to add contexts support to mousmap bindings or is it something that will never be possible?


Nightly Build 2198


Are you planning to add contexts support to mousmap bindings or is it something that will never be possible?[/quote]

As a workaround, you could use on_selection_modified and try your best to determine what a mouse click is. For example, if abs(previous_selection - current_selection) > 1: …
Obviously not your best bet… but w/e.