1.7.0 is released
Noticeable change is going to be that font sizes are now based off of the font size in the current view they are created in. Other than that, there are a couple of new API methods for getting style of a specific scope in the color scheme, tinting an image with a color, and raw variants of image API commands that return the raw byte string opposed to a base64 encoded img element (useful if you want to save an image in a cache or something).
Full list of changes
- Also, new filter added to template which can allow size of pt, em, or
px to be relative to font size of view. - Fonts in popups and phantoms are now calculated based on current view font size.
- Added color_box_raw to API to return the raw byte string when creating a color box
- Added tint to API to tint an image with a color and return the image base64
encoded in an HTML element. - Added tint_raw to API to tint an image with a color and return the raw byte string when creating a tint.
- Added scope2style to retrieve style of a scope.
- Add debug setting now must be set to a level instead of just True or False.
- Tweaks to default CSS.