Sublime Forum

Mac OS System-wide Proxy Configuration


Feature request: Sublime Text should honor the Mac OS system-wide proxy settings. In a corporate environment, these settings may be auto-configured with a PAC file for a HTTP proxy. Package Control, Sublime’s own update utility, etc should all use the system configured proxy settings on the Mac.

Hard coding the settings in the Settings file is not desirable, as the proxy settings may change based on the network.

Also, it is not desirable to hard-code proxy authentication details (username/password). A second feature request might be to store these in the keychain if they are needed to authenticate to a proxy.



I looked into trying to add PAC support for Package Control, however unfortunately PAC files appear to be just JavaScript code. Which means Package Control would need to bundle a large JavaScript engine (large than Sublime Text itself), or write a JS parser that tried to handle common PAC files.

This is complicated by the fact that I do not have access to an environments with a proxy. Every single time I’ve asked for help from someone behind a proxy (either to write Python or allow me access to their environment), no one has been able to or willing.

For the Package Control part, this means you either need to bring a pull request with tested code, or find someone who is willing to. I’m sure there would be more than a few happy users.