Sublime Forum

Licensing across multiple Linux hosts



I am licensed for Sublime Text 3. I have found that the license key is only good on one Linux host in the case where the user’s home is mounted to all hosts via NFS. Example. If I enter the license key into Sublime Text on host A, then it becomes registered and works fine my host A; however, if I ssh to host B elsewhere on the network, then Sublime Text goes into unregistered mode. Entering the license key in Sublime Text on host B resolves the unregistered issue; however, if I return to host A and launch Sublime Text, then it runs in unregistered mode. Note that my home directory is mounted on a NFS, which means license information in ~/.config/sublime-text-3 is available to all hosts. I conclude from Sublime Text’s behavior that Sublime Text is somehow tying the license to the host. According to the FAQ, Sublime text is licensed to a user, hence should not be going into unregistered mode when changing hosts. Could Sublime Text’s licensing system be corrected to share license settings in ~/.config/sublime-text-3 across multiple hosts on a network? This should be a common situation in commercial environments.




TL;DR, if you want to use one location to store your ST data, including your license, across machines, then don’t enter your license key into ST - as doing so will save it in a machine/hardware specific way. Just create the license file manually instead.



Thank you. Putting the license into ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/License.sublime_license resolved the issue.