Sublime Forum

"License Upgrade Required" message makes me want to puke


I am willing to pay far more than $99 for 3 years.

I’d happily pay $99 a year for each of Sublime Text + Sublime Merge.

But I hate supporting the archaic closed source “license” bllsht.

Licenses should NEVER be applied to ideas. Ever!

We should not be doing it anymore.

If you don’t understand why, go take some long walks and think about it.

Maybe read Stephan Kinsella, an IP-Lawyer turned Anti-IP ( or read some stuff from yours truly (

It doesn’t have to be this way.

We can create a super win-win-win-win.



I would say that you invent your own product and license it to users in whatever way you like. The one who has to worry about how to make money with ST is Jon, not you. You are not the first one to provide an “insightful” open-source it to make money opinion.

Plus, this thread becomes not meaningful. Isn’t the issue be “License Upgrade Required” message makes me want to puke”? Now it’s related to open source?



You’re projecting what you would do onto anybody else.

Why someone would preferer an OLD version of ST (with less features and maybe more bugs) over the latest VSCode? The youngsters you’re working with use VSCode because:

  • It’s free
  • It’s packed with useful features and plugins, a lot more that ST
  • Everybody else in their team already use it
  • They don’t care about what makes ST better than VSCode
  • Don’t forget it’s also free
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Long time ST user, I really didn’t aware the license will expire even there’s no major version update. Saw the Licnese Upgrade Required message today, and just felt so bad…

Actually, ST is not my daily editor longer, I have moved all my new projects into vsCode, even ruby projects, ST’s just for some old projects which have ST project file configured. I moved to vscode simply because of the ecosystem, I think the ST ecosystem is dying.

But I still kept ST, and upgraded to ST4, and I even asked myself if there’ll be ST5, am I still want to purchase the upgrade or not. But now I think I have the answer now

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Best thing I’ve read all year:

You wouldn’t require people to have a “License” to hang with your kids, why require a “License” to hang with your software?

It’s stomach turning.

The crazy part is, if done right, you could make 10x+ more money going Early Source.



A fun thread. “Copyright is evil.” :slight_smile: Talk about a sentiment that evokes the gag reflex.

The amount of money I make as a writer is meager enough. Imagine how well off I’d be if I gave it away for free.

“No one but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.” - Samuel Johnson.

The internet runneth over with blockheads.

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