Sublime Forum

LESS autocomplete variables not working between files


Hi, it worked just fine till one week ago when suddenly my “All autocomplete” plugin stopped working for LESS variables that starts with @ … usually it was when you had less file with variables open (lets say variables.less) and you had another file (lets say styles.less) open in another tab and you started to type @nameofvariables, autocomplete automatically scraped everything from variables.less file … but now suddenly this doesn’t work anymore …

Whole variable used to be colored in red, but now the @ part is colored white and the rest is red … what happened?


Ctrl+r (cmd+r) not working in less syntax

either the color scheme you were using got updated (which wouldn’t explain the autocompletion differences) or the package providing LESS highlighting changed something and the “All Autocomplete” plugin isn’t able to tell what the variables are any more.