I was just typing a LaTeX document inside Sublime and I wonder how to launch ie “pdflatex” on it.
I had a look at the docs, but “build”, “exec” etc. are not documented.
Thanks for any suggestion.
I was just typing a LaTeX document inside Sublime and I wonder how to launch ie “pdflatex” on it.
I had a look at the docs, but “build”, “exec” etc. are not documented.
Thanks for any suggestion.
you can use python’s os.system() in a python plugin.
for example:
import sublime, sublimeplugin
import os
class MyPluginCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view, args):
f = view.fileName();
result = os.system("parser.exe " + f)
def isEnabled(self, view, args):
return True[/code]
Thanks for the suggestion vim, I’ve tried but got problems.
[code]#!/usr/bin/env python
import sublime, sublimeplugin
import os
class PdfLatexCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view, args):
f = view.fileName()
print “the file is %s”%f
result = os.system("pdflatex " + f)
def isEnabled(self, view, args):
return True[/code]
(pdflatex is in my PATH so I don’t need to put the “.exe” behind it).
I’ve binded the command to a key, but nothing seems to happen.
So, I’ve tried to do a ‘LaTeX.sublime-build’ file with this (I took it from the Haskell one):
buildCommand exec "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)" pdflatex.exe '"$File"'
It works, but in fact I really don’t know what I’m doing. What’s the regexp “^(…?):([0-9]):?([0-9]*)” for ?
And now that my file ie “myfile.tex” has been compiled to “myfile.pdf”, how to call my reader on it ? $File returns the file name, I need it without its extension + “pdf” ($File:-3]+“pdf” in Python). It must exist other variables like $File, but what are their names ?
I know it’s pain to write documentation, but Sublime really needs better docs (the wiki has become unreadable). We can all help jps on this point, I think it’s no problem.
regarding the first method i suggested maybe you need to add:
[code]class MyPluginCommand(sublimeplugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view, args):
f = view.fileName();
exe = sublime.packagesPath()
exe = os.path.join(exe, “User”)
exe = os.path.join(exe, “MyParser.exe”)
# Spaces in path workaround:
# add an extra quote (!) before the quoted command name:
# result = os.system('""pythonbugtest.exe" "test"')
# Explanation:
# there was a time when the cmd prompt treated all spaces as delimiters, so
# >cd My Documents
# would fail. Nowadays you can do that successfully and even
# >cd My Documents\My Pictures
# works.
# In the old days, if a directory had a space, you had to enclose it in quotes
# >cd "My Documents"
# But you didn't actually need to include the trailing quote, so you could get away with
# >cd "My Documents
cmd = '""%(exe)s" "%(args)s""' % {'exe' : exe, 'args' : f } # stderr > out.txt 2>&1
result = os.system(cmd)[/code]
that what i have used once and it worked. regarding the other method, i must admit it seems cleaner, but i can join your feelings here, i also don’t have a clue how it works (i stumbled on it once, but couldn’t figure it out)
I recommend using a Makefile for these sort of things, when I’m working with pdfs, I use a Makefile along the lines of:
foo.pdf: foo.tex
pdfclose --all
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode foo.tex
pdfopen --file foo.pdf
The requires you to have make installed (e.g., from cygwin), and pdfopen/pdfclose (availble from a few places, magic.aladdin.cs.cmu.edu/2005/07 … -pdfclose/ is one).
The syntax of sublime-build files is:
buildCommand exec error-regex command [args].
The regex matches file names in the output of the command, typically compiler errors messages. Submatch 1 should be the filename, 2 the line number, and 3 the column (the latter two being optional). The regex must be quoted, and any escapes within it double-escaped.
I’m not happy with the syntax of *.sublime-build files, it’s on the todo list to make them more reasonable.
Here’s some snippets from my pdflatex compile command. Should be almost everything you need.
def compilePdf(latexFile):
miktexExe = miktexCommandPath("pdflatex")
commandLine = " --interaction=nonstopmode --aux-directory c:\\temp\\ \"" + latexFile + "\""
# two compiles, to make sure contents etc are up-to-date
for i in range(2):
print runSysCommand(miktexExe, commandLine)
pdf = os.path.splitext(latexFile)[0] + ".pdf"
print "pdf created at '%s'" % pdf
subprocess.Popen(pdf, shell=True)
def getOutputOfSysCommand(commandText, arguments=None):
"""Returns the output of a command, as a string"""
print "getting output of %s %s" % (commandText, arguments)
p = subprocess.Popen([commandText, arguments], shell=True, bufsize=1024, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout = p.stdout
return stdout.read()
def miktexCommandPath(commandName):
return os.path.join(programFiles(), "MiKTeX 2.7\\miktex\\bin", commandName + ".exe")
def programFiles():
prog32 = "c:\\program files"
prog64 = "c:\\program files (x86)"
if os.path.exists(prog64):
return prog64
elif os.path.exists(prog32):
return prog32
raise Exception("can't find a program files")
Thanks for all your answers,
jps : thanks for clarifying these points, I know now what the regexps are for. I wasn’t aware of pdfopen/pdfclose : nice tool !
SteveCooperOrg : I’ll try to adapt it to my needs as I’m using TeXLive 2008 on Windows.