Sublime Forum

Kudos for Large File Support


Worked at home this weekend on a 3.1 GB text file. Sublime 3 had no problem opening it and searching it. Took the same file to work and neither nedit or emacs wold open it. Vi was slow to open it. Very nice Sublime!

When Sublime 3 is officially out of beta, I will happily upgrade my 2 license to 3.



Really? I’ll be damned if I see ST3 working well with large files, despite the advertised improvement. Even 200MB logfiles seem to drag the whole application down, especially when you switch out of it and then switch back to it. And incremental search is just a bear.

Do you have some special settings that are making it run faster for you?



[quote=“bphunter1972”]Really? I’ll be damned if I see ST3 working well with large files, despite the advertised improvement. Even 200MB logfiles seem to drag the whole application down, especially when you switch out of it and then switch back to it. And incremental search is just a bear.

Do you have some special settings that are making it run faster for you?[/quote]

I guess he turned off syntax coloring. Sublime is still slow at opening files, but at least it doesn’t crash then.

The only editor I’ve tried that handles syntax coloring and huge files well is jEdit, which is funny considering it’s a Java app. I guess it’s all about the algorithms and technique…

Bigass xml log files makes syntax coloring useful even in these rare cases.



Well, I’m wondering if there are settings to turn off all indexing, tabbing, etc., so that it just treats these as normal log files and not code files.

(Yes, yes, I know. Why not use one editor for code and a different editor for log files? I’ll tell you why: because that’s stupid, that’s why).

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EmEditor is said to do it; VEDIT and Crisp will surely do. :smile:



Uh, there was no syntax coloring because it was just a data file. Who has 3 Gig of code in a single file?



An option that automatically turns of syntax highlighting, indexing etc for files over a certain size would be nice… :smile:

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Or an option that allows configuring this for the filetype and if no filetype then turned off by default.

I run into lots of large files and if viewing them, I’d like to see something as soon as I can, and then perhaps exit out of that file before it is even loaded.

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