I would like to be able to have my custom installation of Sublime Text be scriptable, so when I have to work on different machines I can install it and bring it up to speed in no time.
I’m already saving the config in my dotfiles, but the installation of Package Controll and packages themselves is a manual step everytime.
If you’re like me and have to work in different machines, or need to format your computer quite often, this gets really old over time.
So my suggestion would be to have a command in the CLI that would allow to install packages from a script.
An example of my configuration with VSCodium:
set -e
yay -S vscodium --noconfirm
# Utilities / syntax highlighting
codium --install-extension syler.sass-indented --force || :
codium --install-extension johnpapa.vscode-peacock --force || :
# JS
codium --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint --force || :
# etcetera
And then, with my dotfiles, symlink the config and upon first boot of the application I see my themes, my extensions and everything I need to start working.
With vim I can have a similarly easy script.
So to recap, the suggestion is to be able to install packages from the command line.
Does this make sense for anyone else?