Sublime Forum

Implement AI into Sublime Text


Definitely True. The LLM-coders are too strong.

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If you add any AI stuff please leave an option to turn it off for us old people xD



Hi guys, what’s the current state of the art in AI for ST? Are there any packages similar to Cursor available?

Never coded in vscode but I saw a video of that package and it seems quite helpful to speed up certain coding tasks.




Found an interesting one…



@bschaaf just a general question… working on AI? yes / no / no-comment :nerd_face: The tools are here to stay. Would be happy to send some thoughts your way or to add some here if you want to.



I just bought Sublime Text 4. And the very reason I bought it is because I hate AI and I am sick of seeing AI integrated into editors. It’s fine for others as a plugin, even though I oppose AI, but I would hate to see any default integration of AI into Sublime.

100% against it.



You’re right. A plugin would make more sense.



I agree it should be a plugin: People who want to use AI for writing code should be allowed to decide which plugin to use.
If they want to stop using AI for coding, they will just uninstall the plugin they installed, rather having code in Sublime Text that is not used.



A plugin for AI is fine, but I do not what to see this integrated in Sublime Text. I don’t want to use AI myself which is why I chose the Sublime Apps.

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My first maiden post here. But it was flagged as off topic. Second time. I will try to dust myself down and attempt to bring it back “on topic”.

The OP topic is “Implement AI into Sublime Text”.

My submission was - simply - to “Implement AI (optionally) outside Sublime Text - by using a toolchain”.

And the intermediary tool I suggested in a toolchain was Albert in Linux and Alfred in Mac. Can’t remember the Windows alternative.

That is use Albert (in Linux) as the choreographer to link AI and ST.

There was a precedent post some time back on a similar theme.